Wednesday, September 27, 2006

It's about time...

Well, sorry folks, it has been a while since I've posted a blog. I've had a lot going on lately and haven't taken the time to write let alone take all that many pictures. Anyway, here are some new pictures of the kids. First here is Aurora attempting to eat a banana.
And last you get to see her offering it to me. How cute!
Now here is Jackson working on finishing the paint job on his double rocking chair so that it will match his toy box. Both of which Papa made for him. I of course had to finish the painting of it, because well, let's face it, he is three and didn't really know what he was doing, so we had lots of streaks and thick spots. Anyway, he tried!! Here is Aurora (better known as daddy's girl) sleeping with he very tired and over worked daddy! Okay, the site won't let me add anymore pictures to this blog, so I'll have to post another one. Hold on a few minutes...

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