Saturday, October 28, 2006

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Cousins and More

Ya know, the only thing good about going to funerals , besides celebrating the life of our departed, is the fact that lots of family, who don't see each other often (if ever) get to see each other. Here are some pictures that were taken on my camera, however there were lots of cameras taking pictures so if anyone has any better pictures than mine, please share!! I will do my best to label each one.
This one is all cousins, from left, Michael, me (Kristen), Tim, Sam, Katie, Scott, and Karin (missing is Matthew, Terri-Beth, Libby, Janet, Johana, and Jillian):

This one is the same people as above with their spouse, excluding Michael and Katie because they don't have spouses and me because Aaron had to work and didn't come to New York with us. Front row from left, Tim & Karin Henn, Tim & Jodi Eckman, Sam & Laura Shirey and Scott & Amber Dewey:Here we have the same cousins and their kids. Children front row from left; Esther-Faith, Isaac & Isaiah Henn, Gavin & Taylor Dewey, Back row from left; Aurora and Jackson Deubner (mine).

This is siblings. From left; Susie (mom to me), Wayne, Becky, David, and Karen:

Here is the above photo with spouses (excluding my dad) from left; Dawm & Wayne, Susie, Ron & Becky, David & Lucy, and Karen & Steve:
This is also Siblings. Great-Grandma only had two children, both daughters. Here is Diane (left) and Priscilla and then there they are with their spouses from left; Doug & Diane and Priscilla & Floyd: Now here are some random pictures that I was able to take: First is Gavin and Jackson playing football together. Gavin is about 7 1/2 months older than Jackson. They were so cute together.
Next is a picture of Aunt Karen holding Aurora. She wanted a picture of Auri in the outfit that she gave me for her back in May. It didn't fit her till now, and the pants are still a little long, but she looked cute in it. So I will be sending this picture to Aunt Karen. I hope you have all enjoyed these pictures. I would encourage you to visit Karin's (my sister, not my aunt) blog to see picture she has or will post Have a wonderful day and enjoy yourself, no matter what it is you may do or be doing!
God Bless, Kristen

Check out our new pet!!!

Tuesday morning when Aaron and I got up, he opened the door to go outside as usual and before he got the door open he called me over to see something. Well what we found was this beautiful spider, which is pretty unual for me to say since I hate spiders. And am more scared of them than anything else on earth. Anyway, he is beautiful, and I only say he because a lot of the species in our world (not humans mind you) the male is prettier. So here are a couple pictures of our little friend. We have named him "Red" because of his colour, of course. But check him out. Actually, there was a great deal of wind and rain overnight. Jackson got up this morning and the first thing he wanted was to go see his spider, so we went to look and he was gone. His web was gone and he was nowhere in sight. And I was sure he was gone. However, when I told Aaron he said, "well, maybe since we didn't bother him, he will come back." I'm usually the more positive person in the house, but today I was saddened by his disappearance and Aaron had to be positive. He was right, when we got home from church tonight I checked and sure enough there was Red. He doesn't have a new web yet, but he is still here. I showed Jackson and he was very happy, and then I called Aaron to let him know. Just to give you an idea of size his is about the size of a nickel when his legs are pulled up against him. When his legs are out, his body is smaller than a time and his legs stretch out beyond a nickel. He sure is pretty!!!

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Catching Up!

Let's see how many pictures I can put on this blog today.
First we will go back to the pictures that I was trying to post last week. Auri has decided that it is fun to play with her big brother's keyboard, and she is pretty good at it. If I could put video on here I would, I recorded her dancing and singing to one of the demo tracks built into the keyboard. She plays with it every time we are at Kiki's house with Isaac. Oh, speaking of Isaac, here is a picture of Isaac and Jackson yellin out the window at a stray cat the Isaac has named Conner. They are funny, let me tell ya! Next is Aurora and her beautiful self looking cute in her Buckeye outfit. I hope she isn't really a cheerleader, but she looks cute now. And now is Jackson looking all tough in his "Bob the Builder" hat (well, that's what he calls it). Silly boy. And finally from last weeks pictures is Isaiah's reading session with the girls. He has to read every day for homework, but sometimes he brings a book home that he just can't put down, and Karin decided to see what Esther-Faith (Essy) and Aurora (Auri) would do with him. He just kept reading and they sat there. Poor boy!
Now for the newer pictures. Karin, Tim, Mom and Myself along with all five children took a last minute trip to New York to see our 99 year old grandmother/great-grandmother/great-great-grandmother. Anyway, we drove up Saturday and went straight to the hotel. Well, since it was Saturday we all had on our Buckeye clothes that we wear for every football game. We did the best we could to get all the kids together for a picture in their outfits, I think Karin probably has better pictures so you'll have to wait for them on her blog, but here is the best one that I have. Then after we did our little photo session, Mom and I took the boys and Auri to Grandma and Grandpa Thompson's so they could meet them. Sunday morning we went to G&G Thompson's for breakfast, hung out for a little and then went to see Great Grandma Anderson. All the pictures taken at the nursing home were on Karin's camera, so if there are any good ones I'm sure Karin will post them. Then we went back to G&G's and had lunch. Grandma Kiki (my Aunt Karen) and my Cousin Katie stopped by, then Cousin Tim and Jodi (that's what Jackson calls them) came by. We left sometime between one and two and headed home. We stopped in Erie, PA to take the boys to Presque Isle. First we stopped at the Perry Monument. Then we stopped at the lighthouse where people still live. Then we stopped at the (Black and White Lighthouse) North Pier lighthouse. Then we were back on the road. The last picture is from Monday when I was with Isaac and Jackson and Isaac about freaked out because he saw a big "spider" (as he called it) on the window. He held up his hands about he size of a volleyball and asked me to come kill it, well when I got there all it was was a preying mantis we talked about it and I told him that we never kill those. I hope you have enjoyed my pictures. Talk to you again soon!! Have a great day!! -Kristen