Tuesday, December 5, 2006

She's One!

I can't believe that tomorrow at 6:14pm Aurora will be a full year old. Where does the time go? I know I haven't posted in over a month, but let's just say that I've had my hands full. Auri started taking steps a week after she turn 10 months old and has been full on walking since the Sunday after she turned 11 months. And let's just say, she is a little dare-devil, not afraid of anything. She falls and hits her head, and then gets up and keeps going. She doing things a lot faster than Jackson did when he was a baby, she started crawing about 5 days before she turned 8 months and she seems to have not been stoppable since. I am amazed at her. The only thing that she hasn't done before Jackson did at this age is say a lot. The thing is, we all understand what she is saying just by her gestures and the noises that she makes, and Jackson translates a lot. I'm working on getting her to say some things though. She is trying to learn sign language with Esther-Faith, who she calls Ezzy (which is also what I call her). She says names mostly, but we are working on some other words too.
Okay, here are some new pictures of the kids... This is Jackson having tickle time with Daddy and Aunt Kiki on Halloween after all the males in the house came back from trick or treating.

Look how cute she is in Jackson's hat.
She will leave hats on long enough to get a reaction from someone and then she will rip it off. Have I told you how cute my kids are, especially in their buckeye clothes? Well, let me be the first to say it, they are adorable (I guess I'm a little on the biased side). So here they are being cute one Saturday, waiting for the game to start. I love seeing kids enjoy taking their baths. While Jackson still fusses when you put water on his head, he still enjoys his baths and especially with play with Aurora in the water or with Isaac. Well, here are some adorable pictures of All three of them taking a quick bath after getting themselves filthy at dinner time.

Okay, here are the much awaited pictures from Aurora's first birthday party and the cakes that Karin made for her. Karin decorated the rose and I decorated the butterfly. The antlers were a gift from Mimi for her birthday. She's so sweet looking! And again, she kees them on long enough to get a reaction from us and then she pulls them off.

I hope you enjoy these pictures. Have a wonderful day!!


HennHouse said...

I can't believe she's one either! She is so adorable! Great post. I'll upgrade one of these days!

Clive Nutton said...

Hi Kristen

Thanks for posting on www.brightaire.blogspot.com and saying such nice things!

Happy birthday to Aurora. She's a December baby too, like me, so having been born at such an auspicious time, there's no way she couldn't be adorable! Many happy returns.

Tell Uncle Sam that I'm highly jealous of his pristine vegetable garden. The courgette (zucchini) looks delicious. My partner and I have a small terrace house with no garden but recently put our name on a list for an allotment. Unfortunately the list is as long as your leg and we're at the bottom. By the time Aurora's staying out all night and bringing home unsuitable young men we may be harvesting our first veg!

Season's greeting to all your folks.

Sam said...

You have such an adorable little girl. We finally got some film developed from this summer and we some awesome pictures of Ari in the backyard. There are also the pics from when I was holding Emma and her. You and Ginny sure do make clone babies!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to lick her tiny bald vagi and make her kick like mad, nothing tastes as good as baby pu-sy