Friday, June 13, 2008

It's Growing!!!

My Garden today!!!There are flowers on my zucchini plants!
And my beans are giants compared to the seeds that I planted.
This is a Canna that I planted last year. It and another one have seeded and I actually have six canna flowers growing and I only planted three last year. This is the biggest because it gets the most sun!
This is called a Dalia. It also seeded and instead of just one plant, there are actually three stems!!! These ones get about four feet tall and I have to stake them because they fall over and land on all my other plants. I'll have to do that before long!
I will continue to post pictures of my mini garden as it continues to grow. I also have Yellow peppers and tomatoes that aren't pictured.
Have a Wonderful day!!!

1 comment:

HennHouse said...


You'll also have to post photos of what you MAKE out of those veggies!