Monday, April 27, 2009


I see this, and all I can think of is when I was about that size and my daddy would hold me, and he would pray for me and we would snuggle. Now he is doing it with my kids!
Tears begin to flow
Memories rush in
My heart warms
I close my eyes
He is holding me again.
All worries,
All cares,
All happinesses,
All sadnesses,
All fear,
All uncertainty,
It all disappears,
Into the arms of my daddy!
Oh to be small again,
Just the right size,
To curl up in his arms,
To cry on his shoulder,
For nothing else to matter!
I Love You Dad!
Thank you for teaching me,
Through your love,
How to lean on my
Heavenly Father.
Thank you for being my biggest fan,
For supporting my every whim,
For laughing at my stupid jokes,
For watching me run!
Thank you for letting me Fly!
And for praying for the the WHOLE time!
I Love You!!!
-Your "George"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Easter With Mimi and Papa!

After being at the church for 5 hours so that mommy could sing with the choir, we went home, made some food, and headed over to Mimi and Papa's house for an Easter dinner, and an Easter Egg hunt (which ended up being after naps instead of before due to a very tired 5 year old melting down)!

Daddy and the kids! He had to at least try to get his hair to look like Jackson's! Cute!

In an attempt to make them laugh instead of their fake smiles, I crossed my eyes, and well, instead of laughing, they tried to mimic me, and this is what we got! I had to post it, it's too funny not to!!!He's a cool dude, she just loves her cool dude! They're adorable!Not sure what they were laughing about, maybe I crossed my eyes again and it worked. Who knows! But it's cute anyway!!Posing (or not) by Mimi's new tree!Jackson cried himself to sleep after his meltdown that ended in him being put in Papa's bed. So, Mimi rocked Auri to sleep. And then Mimi fell asleep too!!While Jackson was still napping, and daddy was hiding eggs, Auri and Papa decided to play Wii Bowling! She's pretty good at it!Daddy just lined her up to get a spare and she went at it!

Once Jackson woke up, he came and snuggled in Mimi's chair with me. It just so happened that I had my camera with me because I was taking the pictures that you just looked at. So I turned it around and took a couple pictures of Jackson and myself together! It was fun. Then he took a picture of Mimi!

Then it was time for the egg hunt. Time for instructions. And the buckets...
And then off they went!
In their Easter baskets they both got a gender specific toy (although Auri loves Jackson's) and a thing of bubbles. So of course, forget the candy, let's blow bubbles! So we went outside!Chasing bubbles!
(this is one of my favorite pictures of the day!)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Haircut!

Jackson had been asking me for months to cut his hair so he can wear a mohawk again. So here it goes. Although I LOVE his long hair, he was tired of it, here is the hair cut that some of us dreaded and some of us were waiting for!That's right the first snip was 5 1/2 inches long. And that was before the final trim. By the end, there was up to 9 inches taken off!
He thinks he a rockstar! I can't say any different! I love mohawks, so this is fine with me. But like I said, I loved his long blonde curls too! His choice! He is old enough to know what he wants in some areas of his life!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Coloring Eggs...

Waiting in anticipation to get started coloring eggs! Auri thought she could pull it out of the colored water all by herself! Look at that concentration! She tried! But then she spilt blue water on my floor trying to give the eggs to Daddy! At least she tried (although told not to)!
So eggs in, some eggs out. Some multi colored, some only one! All in all, a fun experience! Kids are such a joy!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Annual Easter Egg Hunt @ Church....

Finishing Mommy's coffee, maybe it will help her get more eggs. Who knows!

He wanted Batman, but the girl didn't know how to do that, so she let me give it a try!
Standing at the line waiting for them to say "GO" to get all the Easter eggs!Instead of getting all the eggs at her feet, she went to the middle. She appartently wanted certain ones. I thought she would come back with all pink, but she actually had a few different colors! That's right, I lost her in the madness for a minute! Go ahead, play where's waldo. She had on red stripes! You find her!!!...Jackson was super ready for his Egg hunt! Waiting patiently at the line! He went after a spiderman egg, and lost the opportunity for a lot of other ones. But I think he had fun!!Most kids were calling this the Bunny face. But not Auri, she was a kitty! She has to be different! Which is fine with me!
Decorating and eating yummy sugar cookies!There was a giant blow up jumpy thing, as we were standing in line Auri decided that she would rather do hopscotch. So there she went, over and over! And she never did get in the giant bubble! She was scared! Jackson did though! I didn't get a good picture of him in there tough. Waiting to hear what Pastor Julie and Pastor Sam had to say!! He way of saying she doesn't want only ONE piece of candy, she wants TWO!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009