Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I find it hard to believe that my babies are growing up so fast. Auri (2 years old in this picture) is now five... A year from now she will be in the second half of her kindergarden year at school. She'll be learning to read and make words out of different letter combinations.

(in her birthday dress that she got from Kiki)

And then there is Jackson (3 in this picture) who is reading like a fourth grader, loves math, and science, and music, and art... and just plain loves learning. He plays soccer every fall and spring, and basketball in the winter months. He has more energy than twelve of me. And is way too smart to be only seven and a half. He is amazing!

Here... He is being held down by two cats at the same time, as he streches out in Mimi's Super comfy chair. And he has declaired that he will never cut his hair again. We shall see, but for now his hair is getting long and it shines....

He's more than Half way up that tree!!!

Wow I have some beautiful and smart kids. Both of them!
I am truly Blessed!!!!
Have an Amazing Day!

1 comment:

Swedish Mama said...

Wow, what changes in three years. thanks for digging out those pictures.