Monday, March 14, 2011

Bell Choir...

Watching the Bell Choir yesterday morning in church, took me back a couple years in my memory... When Jackson was four or five and was in bell choir. It dawned on me yet again, just how different my children are... First, we have Jackson, who undoubtedly makes every experience fun, whether it be making himself look like an alien in Bells, or laying upside down on the front row of the choir loft during a children's musical... He isn't old enough to have speaking rolls yet, but he sure learns all the lines and songs. He will be an entertainer, even if for only me.

Now Auri on the other hand, although cute and adorable and all the other adjectives...

When it comes to bell choir for her, it's serious business. She doesn't let anything distract her. Including yesterday when I just wanted her to stop walking for a half second so I could take her picture and she was determined to stay in line and with her class. She concentrates, and makes sure she only plays when her color is on the card...

She is beautiful, like a little angel... And she may entertain just like her brother. However, she doesn't live outside the crazy box like her brother. He is carefree, smart and rambunctious... She is reserved, just as smart, cautious and meticulous.

I love the fact that my children are so different. It makes life that much more fun. It makes me wonder what my poor mom and dad went through when my brother sister and I were kids. I am very different from both of them, and they are different from each other... It must have been a challenge.

I just wanted to share the joy of my babies with you....

Have a wonderful day!!!



HennHouse said...

GREAT photos!! Did you take video, too?

Swedish Mama said...

Love it. She is so grown up.