Friday, March 16, 2007

Auri's First Shiner...

Aurora fell the other day and hit her cheak on the corner of our step stool. She cried and cried and then her face turned red in a spot about the size of a half dollar. She now has (as you can see) a rather lightly coloured set of bruises on her face. Poor baby! I figured I should share this special moment in her tiny life!
I had to put this one in, I just thought it was so cute some of the faces she was making at me while I was trying to take her picture...Here is a close up of her precious little cheak! And of course her beautiful eye!!


Sam said...

Weird. Emma has a bruise on the same exact spot of her cheek but on the other side. And she did it falling off a stool or chair or something.

HennHouse said...

My poor baby! I'm glad you got some good shots; the ones I took at the store didn't come out (I mean, she looks cute, but you can't see her black eye).

Laura said...

She is beautiful,even with that big soft bruise on her face! I miss you guys! It is so great to see what happens in your daily life, and to keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. Love you girl!!