Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Post #4 for today...

Okay, I only have explanation for this post. Last night, Aaron and I were watching the movie High School Musical and Jackson was upstairs. He finished what he was doing and came down, looking tired and crawled up on the couch and snuggled up beside me. When the movie was done, it was almost 11pm. Well past his bedtime. He had crawled up on the arm of the couch and fallen asleep. He kept moving his head, picking it up, moving his body, just trying to get comfortable. The whole time he moved, he was SOUND asleep. Aaron and I were laughing hysterically and I was trying to take pictures without shaking the camera (since I was laughing so hard). It was cute. After I finished taking pictures, I carried him upstairs, pulled down his drawers and put him on the potty so he could pee before going to bed. I sat on the side of the bathtub while he was on the potty, he leaned his head forward and rested it on my shoulder and proceded to continue sleeping. Fun times with a three year old!!!


HennHouse said...

He is SO adorable!! I can just imagine him doing all of those things in his sleep

the tiger said...

nice blog....I can see you relly love your kid,..well thanks for stop by at my blog..and also for your test is about medicine..and I really need god to be on my side...I really apreciate your time and your words..
take care