Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Aurora Turns 3!!!!

On December 6th, Aurora turned Three years old...
First she celebrated on Wednesday after church with Mimi and Papa. She had a mini version of the cake that she would have on her birthday. The pictures from this party are on my mom's camera, so I'll have to add them another time. But here is the cake she had that night...
These next pictures are from the 5th. She got to open one of her presents and have some icing when I was decorating the cake for her party...

SATURDAY...... December 6th 2008...
Blowing out her candles. All in one breath.
Her presents.
Kiki had given each of us a piece of paper with a carebear picture on it and all we had to do was add water, and just like magic, the picture came to life with color. The kids had a blast, and well, so did I!!

Pin the Crown on the princess. Auri won, but all the kids got a prize!

Ezzy carried her crown like a true princess, on her head!!!

Isaac, Jackson and Nico enjoying their lunch and some joyous laughter!!!Opening gifts, this one was from Jackson!
From Heidi, Mia and Nico...
From Mommy...
She'd been asking me for about 6 months for a violin. So with the money I earned from the cake you recently saw here, I bought her one. It is of course used (maybe a dozen times), and as you can see it is full sized. She loves it!!!
From Kiki and uncle Tim, Isaiah, Isaac and Esther-Faith...
The girls crashed after the long day. Watching the movie Cars...

Now that you've seen lots of pictures up to now, I will do my best to keep my blog updated more often. Have an Amazing day!!!

God Bless!!



HennHouse said...

The violin photo is just beautiful. As is Auri. Can't believe she is three. Just can't believe it.

Sam said...

Really really loving Jackson's long hair. Can't wait to see them both. They told me (through the phone) this morning, "Hello" and "Love you Uncle Sam." It was awesome to hear their voices.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the update - the violin is adorable and I LOVE Jackson's first day of school picture - see all that stuff happened and I never knew - we need to talk more!:)